Saturday, December 17, 2011

In 2010 vulcano Merapi erupted and Over 350,000 people were evacuated from the affected area and 353 people were killed during the eruptions. My mother was really worried when we were going to Indonesia with a 1-year-old kid. Eruptions had just happened a little while before that. I promised my mom that we are going to be ok. I got a little worried when we actually had the chance to go to see the Merepi mountain with all it's destruction but we made it out safe.
The scene was just something unreal. Everything was burned and covered with ash. You can see the power of the explosion because all the trees had fallen the same direction.

After a long period of slacking I finally decided to start updating this blog again after years of slacking. Two first pictures. Here's Anssi Soininen pulling down some backside smith grind in Mikropolis Helsinki.

Here's Antti-Juhani "Naku" Piiroinen doing fs rock'n'roll in Mikropolis skatepark Helsinki around summer 2008.